is a word that tends to pop up about this time of year. To some of us it can be
negative, meaning only capital campaigns, expectations, guilt, and/or pressure
toward opening our wallets. How can a word that has represented God's trust in
us cause so much squirming in the pews?
Tell you what, in
order to better understand Stewardship, how about taking a trip back to
medieval times. Castles and lands were typically owned by Lords (and Kings in a
larger region). Wealth of the Lord was largely based on the amount of land
owned and the bounty of harvests. But, as you can imagine, sometimes Lords had
to be away doing whatever Lords did: military service, managing another
property, sailing off for adventure. So they left the responsibility of their
wealth with a Steward, an administrative official who oversaw the affairs of
the Lord while they were away. They didn’t own any of it, yet were in charge of
seeing that everything was taken care of and managed well.
In modern terms, it
would probably be best to describe the position of Steward as an Asset Manager.
Picture someone owning “assets”, money is perhaps the easiest to picture, passing
control of them to an Asset Manager trusting that they will manage it well. What
would you look for in a good Asset Manager?
Jesus tells His
followers the “Parable of the Talents” in Matthew 25:14-30. The story unfolds
with a man leaving some money in the hands of his servants or, by the
definition we are examining, Asset Managers. One he gave 5 talents, another he
gave 2, and still another a single talent. Now these were significant sums.
Some commentaries say a talent was worth 20 years of a laborer’s pay! When the
man returned he commended the first two for putting the money to good use
saying, “Well done.” The third Asset Manager failed to make a return on any
investment because of fear and his talent was given to the first.
It is an important
shift to recognize that God owns everything
and we are merely His Asset Managers. Our time is God’s. Our gifts or talents
are God’s. Our “hard-earned” money or treasures are His. It is through what we
do with these “assets” that shows God’s character in our lives and extends
God’s hand to the world around us. For me, this adds purpose to things like
balancing my checkbook or how I spend my free time. Let the fact that we are
Stewards of the riches of the Creator of the Universe embolden and empower you
to live for God as never before.
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